Transforms pneumonia diagnosis for children under five.

ChARM's device provides quick and accurate pneumonia diagnosis for children under 5 in low-resource settings.

By empowering healthcare organizations with our technology, we aim to help health workers improve early detection, treatment and save hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide.

One child dies every 43 seconds from pneumonia.

This infectious disease claims more children's lives than any other,
and almost all of these deaths are preventable.

2,000 children every day

Child pneumonia fatalities are most prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, especially in the poorest nations globally. In these areas, it is typically the most disadvantaged and marginalized children who are affected the most.

Manual Respiratory Counting

Health- and Community workers assess pneumonia by counting the number of breaths a child takes per minute. This method is often inaccurate and inconsistent, leading to misdiagnoses and delays in providing the appropriate treatment.

Inaccessible Diagnostic Solutions

Ministries and NGOs face challenges in locating affordable, scalable diagnostic tools that are both precise and simple to implement in low-resource environments. Manual counting and expensive equipment lead to inefficiencies and increase the risk of errors.

Automated pneumonia diagnosis to reduce child mortality.

By deploying an automated respiratory rate measurement device, we remove the burden of manual counting from healthcare workers and ensure better pneumonia classification while remaining an affordable, accessible, and scalable solution in remote or low-resource areas.

Automated Respiratory Rate Measurement

ChARM provides +/- 2 breath counting accuracy, following WHO guidelines on respiratory rate classification, to quickly and accurately diagnosis pneumonia in children under 5.

A person holding a digital thermometer in their hand
A person holding a digital thermometer in their hand

Simplified Diagnosis

The device gives real-time feedback through a color-coded display, making it easy for community health workers to interpret, and helping to build trust between them, the children and the caregivers.

Designed for remote or low-resource settings areas.

Rugged, durable and designed to be used in extreme environmental conditions, ChARM is also power-independent, making it the best solution for large-scale deployment across rural areas.

A doctor examines a child's chest with a stethoscope
"ChARM is a device we have sold in the past and we currently have customers waiting for it. Given the global burden of pneumonia, we have seen demand and willingness to pay for devices that speed diagnosis"
CEO, Maternova
Dr. Gabriela Salvador

Join us in saving lives

Empower health workers with innovative pneumonia diagnostic technology and be part of the solution to reduce child mortality worldwide.